You were just fitted with brand new hearing aids. As soon as you put them on, you could tell a difference. Now, you are excited and ready to go home and really start to hear everything you had been missing out on before. Not so fast! It often takes time, sometimes up to four months, and lots of patience to ensure success with new hearing aids. For quite some time, your brain has tried to compensate for not being able to hear certain sounds. Now, it is receiving extra help and needs to adjust to it’s new role. In the long run, your brain is going to be happy to have support, but there is an adjustment period. We know that is not exactly the news you wanted to hear, but don’t worry, keep reading to learn about our top keys to success for you as a new hearing aid user.
- Patience | As with many things in life, patience is the key to success. Allow yourself time to get used to your new hearing aids. They may feel funny on your ear, that’s okay, give it time. Much like wearing glasses, your hearing aids will soon start to feel comfortable and more at home on your ears. In addition, certain sounds may seem too loud – maybe the beeping in your car or the fan in your bathroom, but that is only because you haven’t heard those sounds correctly for some time. Your brain is trying to get reacquainted with how to compute those sounds, and that is completely normal. Being patient with yourself, and your new devices, will ensure a positive outcome.
- Have reasonable expectations | Hearing aids will help you improve your hearing, sometimes drastically. However, they will not return you to perfect hearing. If you become frustrated with where you are on your hearing journey, take a step back. Think about how far you have come. Try to remember specific sounds that you can now hear clearly, or specific places where you feel more comfortable now because of your improved hearing. Focusing on these small wins will keep you motivated to continue your journey. Remember, every win, no matter how small, is still a win!
- Follow-Up Care | Hearing aids are small, compact forms of very intricate technology. They are not one-size fits all and need to be fine-tuned
to fit your needs and lifestyle. Do not neglect follow-up care! We know that follow-ups are not as exciting as initial visits, but they are crucial to your success. These visits allow your hearing specialist time to work with you and make key adjustments for your specific hearing needs. What can you do to ensure success? Be specific! Do not hold back when you are asked about the pros and cons of your current hearing aid settings. If you notice a certain sound is too uncomfortable, take a note of it. If you think you are not receiving enough power, write it down. If you cannot get the hearing aid to feel comfortable for all-day wear, write down what specifically is uncomfortable. When you go to your next visit, share your notes with your specialist. Any feedback you can give will help us, help you.
Our last reminder for you is to remember that you are not alone on your hearing journey. Our team at Alpha Hearing Care is there for you, every step of the way.
Are you ready to try hearing aids? Give us a call today at (317) 497-3853 or fill out the form below.
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